June 23 and 24 at Te Papa, Wellington.Click here for the programme, location of the venue and some accommodation options.
Thank you for your interest in Forest & Bird's 2018 Conference and AGM. We do need everyone to register whether you will be charged or otherwise (councillors, KCC councillors and staff don't pay). Please select the day(s) that you are attending and if you are attending the Sanderson Memorial Dinner. This registration form only registers one person at a time, so if you would like to bring a partner or register for someone else other than yourself you need to begin the registration form again.
After the initial selection you will be asked more detailed questions regarding your requirements.
0800 200 064 membership@forestandbird.org.nz
0800 200 064 fundraising@forestandbird.org.nz
See here for more contacts
Ground Floor 205 Victoria Street Te Aro Wellington 6011
See here for more locations